LOGAWA Mini Hydro Power Plant (3.00 MW)
Mini Hydro Power Plant is located in Baseh Village, Kedung Banteng Subdistrict, Banyumas District, Central Java Province,
utilizing the Logawa River. The location of this Mini
Hydro Power Plant is in the coordinates as follows:
Location : 07°19'38.03" SL /
107°10'51.72" EL
Headpond location : 07°19'59.00" SL / 109°11'01.87" EL
location : 07°20'08.18" SL /
109°10'56.56" EL
- Company Name : PT SUMARAH ENERGI
Number of Units and Capacity : 2 x 1500 Kw
Installed Capacity : 3.00 MW
Plant Location Location of Plant : Baseh Village, Kedung Banteng SubDistrict, Banyumas District, Central Java
Commercial Operation Date : Feb-17
Debit Plan : 3.49 m3/s
Flood Debit (Q100) : 267.52 m3/s
Effective Fall Height : 102.00 m
Water Source : Logawa River
Water Catchment Area : 18.4 km2
Power Type : Run off River
Capacity Factor (CF) : 60% - 70%
Turbine Type : Francis Horizontal
Turbine was Manufactured by : Zhejiang Jinlun Electromechanic Co., Ltd
Governor : Electro Hydraulic Type
Generator : Horizontal Synchronous Type