GILAS Mini Hydro Power Plant is located in Gedung Nyawa Village, Runcung Agung Subdistrict, South Ogan Komering Ulu District, South Sumatra Province, utilizing the Gilas River flow. The location of this Mini Hydro Power Plant is in the coordinates as follows:
Weir Plan : 04°25'10.80" SL / 103°53'34.38" EL
Headpond Plan : 04°25'17.54" SL / 103°53'30.15" EL
Powerhouse Plan : 04°25'16.50" SL / 103°53'41.58" EL
GILAS Mini Hydro Power Plant location can be reached with a distance of 354 km and a travel time of 7 hours 2 minutes from the Radin Inten II Airport in Bandar Lampung by land trip. For more details, the location of GILAS Mini Hydro Power Plant plan location can be seen in the following map.